About Michele

My tagline says, “Michele Peters is a survivor who writes from the heart with the intention to bring light into dark places. She believes in love first, always.” And that is all true. But what else?

The boring stuff: I live in the Pacific North West [PNW] of the United States, and first realized I have a story people wanted to hear when I auditioned and read for the nationally syndicated show, “Listen to Your Mother” in Spokane, Washington in 2022. I am a contributor to Her View From Home and have two essays published in “So God Made A Grandma” to be released in March, 2025. I am working on a coming-of-age memoir and a historical fiction novel, and hope to share more about both soon.

But, enough of all that.

The important stuff: I believe in love, learning, acceptance, and growing.

You are always welcome here. I hope you stay awhile.

Subscribe to Michele Peters Writes

Michele Peters is a survivor who writes from the heart with the goal of bringing light into dark places. Sign up to receive a free weekly email with her original writing (or to read direct in the app.)


Michele Peters is a survivor who writes from the heart with the goal of bringing light into dark places. She believes in love first, always.