I started reading this as I do with everything else, with an open mind and heart. This really resonated with me: "...When you asked your questions, did you really listen? Or were you busy assigning values to the answers?" I'm trying to to be better and really listen. It's a process and takes practice, but I'm prepared to put in that work.

Then, the end of your post. "How are you today? Really, how are you?”. You know the answer to that from separate conversations we've had, but for the rest of the class I say, not good, folks. Not good. I've been carrying a lot for months and recently found closure on one thing, but making peace with it seems to have allowed everything else I'd boxed up to escape. Thankfully, I have friends like Michele and a bunch of others I can lean on, and an appointment with my therapist tomorrow, but holy heck am I having a hard time seeing the sun.

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I am sorry for all you are going through, friend. I hope you can feel, even from across the continent, that you are not alone.

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Every bit helps and I appreciate you.

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